He Reigns Rescue Ranch

Our passion and prayer for each child is to…

“Rein in Help, Rein in Hope, Rein in Healing…
Reign in the Spirit!”

He Reigns Rescue Ranch welcomes you! We are a “unique faith-based” riding ranch located in Southwestern Michigan, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

H Triple R has a mission to reach children who have brokenness in their lives… from either neglect, abuse, family dysfunction, trauma or anxiety and share with them… there is Hope, Healing and “Truth & Love” through Jesus Christ.

Children are paired with their “mentors”… a ranch leader and horse. They are taught how to groom, handle and ride their horse. These various horse-related activities are uniquely incorporated with sharing the truths of Jesus Christ! Light ranch work also teaches them responsibility, teamwork and a sense of belonging and purpose.

The many children we mentor at the ranch can easily “relate” to our horses because they, too, had brokenness in their past. Many who experience He Reigns Rescue Ranch leave with newly acquired accomplishments and an empowerment that only comes from the special bond of working with their faithful partners who care… their horse and mentor.

Kurt & Dawn Orpurt
Founders of the Ranch